How long will it take to do my roof?
Most roofs that are under 4000 square feet take one day, unless it is late fall/winter and the days or shorter. That can also change due to steepness, complexity, or having to change out decking - a whole host of issues. For the most part, a standard roof takes one day to complete.
How long is your warranty?
Our workmanship warranty is three (3) years. Our materials carry a lifetime warranty, which is a nice way of saying that the warranty pro rates in about 20 years. Almost all shingle manufacturers have the same warranty these days.
What should I expect on build day?
The roofers generally get there around 7am as long as they don’t have another job to finish. They will pull a trailer in your driveway where they will throw the debris. Your project manager will be there early-mid morning to make sure that the materials are correct and that the crew has a correct understanding of the scope of work. Your project manager will be in and out all day. At the end of the project, your PM will do a full walk-through to check the workmanship, cleanup, and get the excess materials.
Do I need to be home during the build?
No you don’t. It is very messy and loud, and we totally understand if you do not want to be home. Your project manager will text you pictures of the build and the progress we are making. It is up to you though, and I would say it is about 50/50 split of people who want to be home versus people who don’t.
What temperature do you like to roof in?
Our favorite time to roof is the fall. 40 degrees and rising is our minimum temperature standard, which is what is recommended by most shingle manufacturers.
Will I have to pay more than my insurance deductible?
No, unless you choose to add upgrades, there is rotted decking found, or you don’t have a Replacement Cost Value policy. RCV policies make up about 98% of insurance policies.
Who is the black lab running around?
That is the owner’s dog Ellie. She likes to walk around the job sites and is completely friendly.
Do you carry insurance?
Absolutely. We can provide this upon request.
What parts of Montana do you serve?
We serve the entire Flathead Valley.
What is the Replacement Cost Value?
The RCV is the total figure that your adjuster estimated it is going to take to repairs your property.
What is the Actual Cash Value?
The ACV is the amount of the claim or item when age is taken into account - similar to if you wrecked your car and they gave you the vehicle’s pre wreck value.
What about the rest of the funds?
The difference between the Replacement Cost Value and the Actual Cash Value is called the depreciation. You can recover the depreciation as soon as your insurance company receives an invoice for the RCV and the work is complete.
Can I find someone to do it cheaper than the insurance and not pay my deductible?
No. The reason is because they will release that much less depreciation when they receive an invoice for less than the RCV. If a contractor were to bill the insurance company a different amount than the customer, you are getting into insurance fraud. Good contractors who have integrity and are proud of their work do not cover deductibles.
What if I don’t do some of the work?
You are allowed to keep the ACV money from the first check for work that you do not complete as long as you understand that the item will not be insured anymore for the next storm and your mortgage company doesn’t withhold the funds until the work is complete.
What does my mortgage company have to do with this?
Their name is most likely going to be on the check as well as you. Most of the time, it is not a hard process getting the check endorsed. Very rarely though, certain mortgage companies will withhold the funds until the work is complete.
Who deals with the permit, the inspection, and the insurance company?
We deal with all of these.
What if my insurance company misses something?
This happens on most claims. It is okay, and you can always supplement for items they left off. The permit is a good example of something that is almost always supplemented. For a full roof replacement, it is important to note that your out of pocket remains your deductible no matter what items your insurance does or does not pay for. If there are items that need to be addressed, we handle it.
How long have you been in business here?
49 years. We were founded in Whitefish and have been doing commercial and residential roofs here ever since!
Do you have an office?
Yes. It is located at 125 Fenn Way.